Potatoes and Quarantine: Some Reflections
When I opened the brown bag of potatoes yesterday and they were sprouting and looking particularly sad, a bit from Nora Ephron's, Heartburn sprung to mind. It's on page 124, entitled Potatoes and Love: Some Reflections. The first time I read it, I laughed out loud. Then I went to read it to my sister and it made her laugh out loud. True to its theme (the lead character is a food writer), it has a kind of balance that is akin to an excellently executed culinary dish. That being said, I guess I'll just get right in there and add a quarantine twist. Potatoes and Love Quarantine: Some Reflections The beginning I have friends that begin with pasta, and friends that begin with rice,...
Untethered Productivity
Untethered Productivity? An unexpected thing I’ve noticed while reading these two books in tandem, is how similar a lot of the ideas are. I would not have originally thought this, just taking in their covers and their titles. The Untethered Soul was recommended to me by a yoga teacher. She is someone who mediates every morning and has “morning tea thoughts” on her instagram page (which are always very insightful and wonderful, check her out @livingroomyoga). When I first read The Untethered Soul, it completely changed the way I thought and acted around certain situations that once, would send me into a frenzy. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was passed on to me by a very successful business woman....
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